Management Body of Aenos National Park
Kefalonia-Ithaca aspiring Geopark


Management Body of Aenos National Park is a member of MedPAN network of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean.

Figure 1. The protection of coastal and marine environments is one of the main priorities of the Managment Body of Mt. Aenos National Park

It gathers today 131 institutions and NGOs from 21 Mediterranean countries that either have direct responsibility for managing Marine Protected Areas (MPA) or are involved in the development of MPAs in the Mediterranean.

These players manage or work with over 110 MPAS in 19 Mediterranean countries.

The MedPAN network’s mission is to promote, through a partnership approach, the sustainability and operation of a network of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean which are ecologically representative, connected and effectively managed to help reduce the current rate of marine biodiversity loss.

The activities of the network revolve around 3 strategic components:

  1. Be a network for knowledge, information, anticipation and synthesis
  2. Develop the life of the network, the exchanges between its members and their capacity to effectively manage their MPAs in link with the other players in their territories.
  3. Reinforce the sustainability, prominence, governance and resources of the MedPAN network.

The activities carried out by the network are the result of a strong coordination between its members and partners so as to ensure effectiveness and reach.

Key players in the Mediterranean such as RAC / SPA of the United Nations Environment Programme, WWF, the Conservatoire du Littoral, IUCN Mediterranean, the French Agency for Marine Protected Areas, ACCOBAMS and GFCM are partners of the network and are working together to synchronise their activities. The MedPAN organisation, which coordinates the MedPAN network has a unifying and dissemination role and also has its own activities on certain themes. Some key actions:

The network exists since the 90s. It is run since 2010 by the MedPAN organisation, a permanent structure with dedicated funds established in late 2008.

Figure 2. Personnel of the Management Body in a beach cleaning acton in Myrtos Beach.
Εθνικός Δρυμός Αίνου!
Εθνικός Δρυμός Αίνου!
Εθνικός Δρυμός Αίνου!
Εθνικός Δρυμός Αίνου!
Εθνικός Δρυμός Αίνου!
Εθνικός Δρυμός Αίνου!
Εθνικός Δρυμός Αίνου!
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