Management Body of Aenos National Park
Kefalonia-Ithaca aspiring Geopark


Building of bird nests by pupils of Kefalonian schools


Among the objectives of the Management Bodies are included environmental information, education, the sustainable use of the ecosystems of the protected area and generally the social, economic and cultural development of the wider area compatible with the protection and conservation.


Presentation about Koutavos laggon geosite and birdwatching of rare aquatic bird species

The Management Body of Aenos National Park implements the above objectives from its first year of operation, in 2007. A great number of pupils have participated in the above programs, which are implemented every year, including students, teachers and teachers of Primary and Secondary Education, Associations, Scout Groups, students of higher education, etc.

These programmes aim to:

  • Informing the participants about the elements of the natural and geological environment of the National Park and the wider Kefalonia-Ithaca and familiarize them with them.
  • The awakening of the participants and the enhancement of their interest, so that the process of discovery and acquaintance with the elements of the environment can continue after the completion of the visit to the Information Center.
  • Τhe information of the participants and the development of a sense of responsibility to them regarding the protection of the environment of the National Park of Aenos, as well as the protected areas of Kefalonia-Ithaca, in order to adopt behaviors that act protectively for the elements of the environment.
  • The involvement of the participants in experiential and creative activities aim at acquiring experiences, memories and mementos (e.g. constructions) and thus acquiring bonds with the environment.
Figure 3. Cleaning actions of Livadi beach by school pupils from Lixuri city

At the Environmental Information Center of Koutavos there is a library with books about flora, fauna, avifauna, management of protected areas, astronomical observation and astrophytography, geoparks and environmental education, which can be used by teachers and students. In the library there is a series of Environmental Education Packages (3 for the National Park of Ainos, 2 for the rest of Kefalonia, 1 for Ithaca and 4 for more general environmental content).

Also, the Management Body of Aenos National Park cooperates closely with the Laboratory Center of Natural Sciences of Kefalonia – Ithaca (EKFE), preparing an environmental program for the perennial Olive Trees of Kefalonia & Ithaca islands. Those who are interested in participating can contact the Head of the EKFE of Kefalonia-Ithaca, Mrs. Anastasia-Eleni Magoula (Tel.:6937247918; E-mail: mail@ekfe.kef.sch.gr)


Εικόνα 5. Ενημέρωση σε σχολείο για τις υπεραιωνόβιες Ελιές στα πλαίσια του Περιβαλλοντικού προγράμματος “Μια αγκαλιά για την Κεφαλονίτικη Ελιά” σε συνεργασία με το ΕΚΦΕ Κεφαλονιάς-Ιθάκης

Teachers can arrange the program of their visit, choosing among the activities offered by the Management Body, so that it is adapted to the needs and capabilities of their pupils. The options offered are presented below (click on a hyperlink for more information).


  1. Information activities of participants
  2. Activities to identify the natural environment and the characteristics of the area

III. Activities for the recording of perennial Kefalonia-Ithaca Olives within the framework of the environmental program: “A hug for the Kefalonian Olive Tree”

  1. Activities for the recognition and protection of the geological heritage within the framework of the Kefalonia-Ithaca Geopark
  2. Activities for the recognition of constellations and the protection of the night sky as a Natural Resource in the context of the Dark Sky Park of the Ainos National Park
  3. Time to play and learn

VII. Work on topic development

VIII. Teacher Options

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